tisdag 24 februari 2009


It doesn´t matter when you open in the morning, there is always someone who wants to come in early, and always with the same words:

- I just wanna!
- I ´am in a hurry!

The classic case is that at 8.50, we open at 9, the door opens:

- You open yet?
- In a moment!
- How long?
- Just a few minutes!
- Can i just get a coffee?
- Oh, you can, i just……
- Or a toast to go?
- Like i said, in a few moments, i´am not quite ready yet!
- You say you open at 9, my watch IS 9!
- OK, mine is NOT, and that is the time that meen something.

60% of my days start like this, the strange thing is that 50% of the times it´s always the same person that asks the same thing.

I ask myself if these people can buy something at wallmart 10 min before they open?

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