tisdag 24 februari 2009


Like at any other workplace the first 1-2 hours is crucial for how the whole day will turn out. I mean, everybody wants to have a good start, right?
Af ew years ago we had a group of people that worked down the street from us.
One on one they were nice customers but when they showed up as a group they were a pain in the ass

B- Here we go again!
Good morning!
G- (silence)
G- we´ll have 5 coffees!
B- You can come down here and order at the bar!
G- Ok
B- Still want that coffee or what?
G- yes, and you might wanna turn the music down a bit!
B- I dont think so!
G- But we are here for a chat!
B- or i´ll just wont turn the volume down!
G- we are actually gonna have our morning meeting here now!
B- What you are saying IS that you leave your office comming to MY work to have a meeting? About YOUR work!
G- So you dont want us here?
B- I dont understand what you DONT understand, the volume will NOT be turned down, no matter IF you stay, leave OR order coffee!

Maybe no point telling that i did NOT turn the volume down that morning or ANY other morning. The group came back a few times.
As far as i know no one has ever died from little music

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